If we don’t trust it enough to use on our family, we most certainly won’t be selling it to you!
Here at Three Hearts’ Homestead, we are firm believers that quality ingredients make a quality product. We only utilize ingredients that are proven to nourish the skin, replenishing vital nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.
Three Hearts’ Homestead sources heavy hitter superfood ingredients for skin like grass-fed tallow, organic olive oil, organic argon oil, and organic essential oils. Each and every tallow balm has been meticulously formulated to maximize the nourishing benefits to your skin.
We strive to go above and beyond in our sourcing of local ingredients as well as ingredients produced right here in the USA. We are committed to supporting small family businesses, especially locally!
Lets Break it Down
Grass-fed tallow – It has a very similar fatty acid profile to that of our skin, which allows it to be easily and quickly absorbed through the skin and into the body.
This is beneficial because tallow also contains a handful of fat soluble vitamins – A, D, E, and K – which are imperative for your body and skin to stay healthy.
Olive Oil – It helps lock moisture into the skin due to its fatty acid profile, as well as has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Additionally, some say it acts as an exfoliant, potentially aiding in unclogging pores of dirt and other caked debris.
Argan Oil – It is high in vitamin E as well as antioxidants and a variety of fatty acids, and is a very light oil, making it a wonderful pairing for our tallow.
Sometimes referred to as ‘liquid gold’ by other skincare experts, argan oil is especially beneficial for aging and sensitive skin.
Rosehip Oil – It contains retinoids as well as linoleic acid and fatty acids which make it great for preventing acne and reducing inflammation and redness of the skin.
A healthy oil, chock full of beneficial nutrients your skin craves, rosehip oil, with it’s delicate fragrance makes it a beautiful addition to our lavender and vanilla tallow balm.
Castor Oil – It aids in hydration, as well as contains anti-microbial properties that make it a lovely ingredient for moisturizers.
Additionally, it has also been known to aid in reducing inflammation in joints when applied externally to the affected area. Who doesn’t love some relief?
Peppermint Essential Oil – Peppermint essential oil is extremely cooling and invigorating. It has been known to help aid in clearing up skin conditions such as eczema and acne.
Not only that, but it can also aid in reducing muscle pain and is thought to increase blood flow to applied areas.
Rosemary Essential Oil – Rosemary essential oil is a powerhouse, with its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties as well as its ability to help tone and hydrate the skin.
It is also thought to help regulate and balance sebum production, making it a rockstar for those with oily skin.
Lemon Essential Oil – Antibacterial, exfoliating, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory, is there anything this bright and energizing oil doesn’t do?
Containing healthy, natural acids, lemon essential oil can help nourish dry skin and has been known to reduce scarring in some cases.
Lavender Essential Oil – Lavender essential oil has antiseptic and antifungal properties which aid in detoxing the skin as well as recovering from certain fungal ailments.
It also contains antioxidants which help prevent dark spots and wrinkles, among other things, on the skin.
Vanilla Oil – Vanilla is a good source of vitamin B as well as antioxidants. It is also thought to have properties which allow it to act as a barrier for the skin while simultaneously helping it heal from damage.
It also stimulates collagen production which aids in slowing down the visible effects of aging on the skin.
There You Have It
There you have it! At Three Hearts’ Homestead, we believe in keeping it simple while still providing the most bang for your buck in terms of nutrient delivery for your thirsty skin. We never utilize fillers, artificial colors or fragrances, or preservatives in our tallow balms.
Because here at Three Hearts’ Homestead we take our health and your health very seriously. If it’s not clean and healthy enough for our family to use, then we wouldn’t market it to your family either! We truly believe in putting the natural back in skincare.
Not sure what tallow balm might be best for you?
Reach out to us! We’re more than happy to try helping you find the best fit for your family!
Want to Learn More About Tallow?
Why You Need Tallow for Your Skincare Routine
Tallow Balm: The Superior Moisturizer
Tallow: A Rich History of Ancient Skincare Routines